Sunday, July 29, 2012

Broke Nerdcast Episode 9: 50 Shades of Dark Knight

This week Wally and Jason tackle the Dark Knight Rises as they discuss the movie in detail, but don’t worry if you haven’t seen it.  we will tell you when to shut it off.  The news takes a surprising turn as Jason details the shocking contents of “50 Shades of Grey” in  hilariously graphic (and heavily edited) detail.  Plus, what would it be like to interview for the job of a lifetime:  Batman.

This show contains material that may not be suitable for sensitive listeners; however, it has been edited for content.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Live Long and Smoke Meats!

Jay and Wally team up with birthday girl Tina as they discuss the latest stuff to be nerdy about including early reaction to The Dark Knight Rises, Spider-Man sequel news, and how to make your car smell like delicious smoked meats.  Then the trio turn to talking up their favorite comic book characters and why in the hell Wonder Woman can’t get a decent movie.  Stick around for the new contest rules where YOU can win!
Be sure to check our Facebook and Twitter feeds for Wally’s auctions.
This show contains material that may not be suitable for listeners under 17.

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