Saturday, June 30, 2012

Holy Hasselhoff, Batman!

Join Jason and Wally as they discover who might get into David Hasselhoff's shorts, who has the best Batman voice, and what company might bring Arnold back to Terminating people and/or things!  The guys also discuss online review shows like the Angry Videogame Nerd as well as announce a new giveaway winner.  They might even take a few listener requests!  (This show is dedicated to the memory of Verna "Cindy" Phelps.)

Listen to the show on The Married Gamers!

NOTE: Origianlly, the featured image of this post was of David Hasselhoff.  We had a change of heart. You are welcomed.

Be sure to check our Facebook and Twitter feeds for Wally's auctions.
This show is rated PG-13

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Broke Nerdcast Episode 6: The Walking Dad!

Father's Day is upon us and we celebrate the only way we know how: by trying to keep our loved ones safe from the zombie apocalypse!  Join Jason and Wally as they review YOUR zombie plans and determine which ones could keep you alive as well as which ones could make you an appetizer. Also enjoy the latest nerdy news as our heroes discuss E3, the new comic book movies in development, the winner of the first ever giveaway, and a whole lot more.

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This show is rated PG-13

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